
Software Engineer currently working with Elixir.

CI Pipelines in Elixir Projects

Continuous Integration (CI) is one of the most important practices introduced by the DevOps revolution, the goal is to reduce feedback loops while developing software. For this, pipelines with quality and compliance checks executed by a continuous integration server have become a fundamental part. They allow us to verify, to a certain extent, that the changes we are integrating meet the established criteria. Elixir has its own tools, and today we have various tools that allow us to automate different aspects of our code, put them in a pipeline, and execute them automatically with each commit....

July 29, 2024 Â· Me

Phoenix Liveview Forms Without Changeset

The standard way to create LiveView forms is to use the to_form/1 helper by passing it a changeset structure, for example: to_form(Accounts.change_user(%User{}))) However, situations can arise where we have a form without having to back it up with a changeset. Why skip the changeset? Ecto.Changeset is a tool for working with information from various sources. It provides validations, castings, and error handling. Typically, we create forms based on an Ecto schema, meaning they have a table in our database....

August 30, 2023 Â· Me